Well, somehow I got suckered into contributing to a podcast!
Jesse Willis of SFFaudio invited me to join him and Gregg Margarite for a freewheeling discussion of Donald Westlake’s posthumously-published Memory for the SFFaudio podcast. I got over my terror pretty quickly and it turned out to be a lot of fun. Check it out if you will, but be forewarned that as this is a discussion of a book, there are spoilers galore.
I hope to have a full review of Memory up in the next week or so. Here’s a quick one–you need to read this book. (Or listen to it. The audio book version is terrific.)
Anyway, you can find the podcast at SFFaudio.
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I’d love to have a copy of that review for sffaudio too Trent!
Great to hear your voice! I started listening to this and was just getting into it when I realized that I really want to read this book. So I stopped the podcast and will keep it around until after I have gotten my hands on Memory. I think I may ask for it for xmas.
Great to hear my voice? You must have me confused with Gregg Margarite.
wafflesnfalafel / No big surprise here it’s a mall. It’s full of moltsy national chain mall stores’ and owned by a national mall operator. Folks who support the occupation’ group should be voting with your pocket book and not spending money in malls to begin with. (Can you imagine the response if this were happening at the Bravern in Bellevue? Seems to me like the Westlake occupation has been treated amazingly well.)