OK, folks, here’s the one you’ve been waiting for. And you’ll have to wait a bit longer–official release is March 2011, which probably means Amazon will start shipping mid-February.
Still, waiting a bit longer beats the hell out of paying a fortune for a beat-up old paperback.
I really like this cover. The novel brings the first Parker series full circle, and the cover conveys this by using the same red background as the reprint of The Hunter.
Covers for Comeback and Backflash coming in the next few days!
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I’m excited about collecting these U of C reprints, and particularly grabbing the very rare Butcher’s Moon. Will the series extend all the way to Dirty Money?
Currently, U of C has secured the rights through Firebreak. The last four are still officially in print, but when they go out, U of C will attempt to acquire the rights for them as well. The project has been a smashing success, so I imagine all parties involved will be eager to make a deal for the last four when the time is right. It may be awhile, but I’m confident it will happen.
Great time to be a Westlake fan. Let’s hope some enterprising publisher takes the cue from U of C’s success and reprints the Dortmunder series. Seems that everything from The Bank Shot to Bad News is out of print in the US – although Amazon.com is selling new hardcover copies of Don’t Ask and What’s the Worst That Could Happen. Maybe old inventory.
Oh, man, is Butcher’s Moon a fine book, maybe the best in the series. And Wallace Stroby’s not the only one who can catch errors in the U of C reprints. There’s a garbled sentence on Page 136, and Dalesia adds up some numbers wrong on Page 250. Nothing as bad as Karns’ name being spelled three different ways in the Allison & Busby reissue of The Handle, though.
Speaking if its being a good time to be a Westlake fan, my local movie store still has not got The Outfit.
Detectives Beyond Borders
“Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home”