I have made a major discovery.
I thought that, other than sleaze novels, my bibliography of Donald Westlake’s books was complete. But while flipping through my copy of Bank Shot, I discovered that I had missed a few titles.
It turns out that Westlake wrote several books that seem to be completely forgotten. I can’t find any reference to them online. I’ve not seen copies. They’re just…gone.
I’d like to harness the power of the Internet to track down these books, so if you can point me to a source, please let me know. I think the titles I’d like to acquire first are The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, The Magnificent Ambersons, and A Tale of Two Cities.
I’ll try to hunt the others down at a later date.
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Can’t help thinking this might be a publishers joke seeing those titles. Hope there are some more ‘missing’ books out there though.
Wow, so Booth Tarkington, Edward Gibbon and Charles Dickens were all Westlake pseudonyms? Who knew?