- "Devotees of noir are a nasty bunch."
http://richardswheeler.blogspot.com/2010/08/who-reads-what.html # - Bare Bones–Crime paperbacks you might have missed: http://barebonesez.blogspot.com/2010/09/you-gotta-read-these-fifteen-paperbacks.html #
- Win a signed French edition (with a different, very cool cover) of Darwyn Cooke's The Hunter! (But you better hurry!) http://bit.ly/9tkpGK #
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I don’t buy Richards Wheeler’s thoughts on who reads what. It seems to me that he just judges people by the type of books they read.
That just made me laugh. In my experience, noir readers are an awful nice bunch. Just as an example, many of the cover scans here were sent by readers. There’s no personal benefit gained from that, they just want to make the site better for fellow fans.
Well, it should also be noted that Lawrence Block’s new novel, A DROP OF THE HARD STUFF, will be out in May and can even now be pre-ordered from Amazon (with a great cover, given Scudder’s alohlocic history).It is such good news for Block’s readers, after he had again announced his retirement–another Scudder novel!