Thanks to the generosity of Parker flash fiction contest winner Matt Racicot, I have four, count ’em, four brand-spanking-new copies of the University of Chicago edition of The Hunter to give away.
Here’s the catch, and it’s based on the honor system–you must not already have a copy of The Hunter. You might be someone who is visiting this site because you liked Darwyn Cooke’s comic book version, or you might be visiting the site because a friend recommended the Parker novels and you’re doing some research, or you might have read another Parker novel but haven’t gotten to The Hunter yet. Just so you don’t have one already.
If you don’t have a copy and would like one, send me an e-mail with “Hunter giveaway” as the subject. I’ll randomly select winners in a week or so.
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Hey, thanks for the giveaway :)
I found your site because I was trying to find info on some Parke novels. I noticed they are being rereleased and I was looking for Comeback, Firebreak and Nobody Runs Forever but no luck yet. Guess I’ll just have to keep checking!