I’m far too backlogged on cover scans to post them all at once, so I dribble them out when I have an excuse.
Tonight’s excuse is Monday Night Football. I had a wonderful extended football weekend with both of my alma maters (Michigan, Texas) winning, and my three pro teams winning as well (Packers, Saints against the evil Minnesota Vikings and the traitor Brett Favre, and the Texans). And the Cowboys lost, which is just the cherry on top.
All of that and tonight’s double-header is more than enough reason to post this shot of the 1985 UK printing of The Seventh (as The Split) both here and in the cover archives (this one comes courtesy of Existential Ennui). In this book, there’s stuff to steal because the money is collected at the gate! What a quaint concept.
As I’ve noted before, the movie version is terrible, but at least the stock footage shows my beloved Green Bay Packers beating the then-LA Rams.
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Great football weekend (Go Pack go!), great cover, and very great book.
Gah, sorry Trent, that cover’s quite dark. You might wanna lighten up all those covers. That’ll teach me for taking pictures on a gloomy overcast day.
Well, it’s still a better image than the nonexistent one I had before! And I sort of like the lighting–it looks menacing.
Have you tried scanning? Much easier than photographs.
Yeah, but I don’t have a scanner at home. And anyway, then you wouldn’t get those super-professional reflections of me taking the picture in the cover lamination.