I finally have a proper writeup of Butcher’s Moon over at the Butcher’s Moon page.
To celebrate, I’ve added this cover from the 1991 Finnish edition. Both this cover and the Avon cover feature a child’s doll. I don’t recall a doll in the book. Am I just forgetting?
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I wonder that the University of Chicago Press edition is going to do to all those copies that have been selling for absurdly high prices on ABE Books for years. I bet more than one dealer is wishing he’d sold his copy a couple of years ago.
I meant, of course, that I wondered what the new edition will do TO THE PRICES of all those old copies.
Eyeballing the prices at Advanced Book Exchange, I think they’ve already dropped. Still costs a pretty penny, though.
Well, I finished Butcher’s Moon. It started a bit slower than most of the books, but it probably had the best conclusion of any that I read. It’s interesting the first part of the book is like The Hunter with Parker (and Grofield) tracking down Parker’s money, but the second is like The Outfit with a bunch of freelancers making war on the Mob.
Parker in the first 3 books taking on the mob is still the highlight of the series to me and cant wait until Butcher Moon is reprinted.