You may recall my background piece on The Mourner, entitled “Meet the Mourners,” from a few weeks back. Well, reader Christopher Tassava was kind enough to dig up the original Horizon article described in that piece–the one that inspired the novel! It’s embedded below.
To celebrate, above is a vastly upgraded image of the Allison & Busby UK edition from 1987.
I also found this little guy, which I think is German, and which I think is from 1968. The title translates as “A Job for Parker.”
Obviously, an upgrade would be welcome.
I notice that I don’t have an image of the Mysterious Press edition, which you would think would be easy enough to find. All I can find is the Amazon image with the obnoxious “Click to look inside!” arrow. If someone’s got an image of that one, please send it my way.
And while you’re at it, why not take a look at the cover gallery for the The Mourner and see if you notice anything else that is missing or could be improved?
Anyway, without further ado, here is “The Missing Mourners of Dijon” by Fernand Auberjonois. Enjoy!
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There is an acceptable picture of the Mysterious Press edition on Abebooks. Not to big, but clean. I could also offer a bigger version of the German edition, with backside if required.
By the way, great story about the mourners.
That would be great! It’s probably impossible, but eventually I’d like to have images of every Parker cover, including non-English editions. I’ll happily take the back, too, if it’s not too much trouble.
A reader was kind enough to send me a nice scan of the English version, but I’d still love the German version (assuming it’s different).