A few months ago, I wrote a freelance informational (and promotional) article on behalf of the American Library Association about gaming at the library. That piece has just found a home at the Austin Post. It was written to encourage people to use libraries for a purpose they might not have considered as well as to encourage them to get involved with their local library. If you know of any publication or website that might be interested in running it, let me know–it’s free to use, I just need to know where it’s being used. (I also have a severely condensed version that unfortunately cuts out the information on National Gaming Day if this piece is too long for your publication or website.)
Speaking of libraries, if the economy’s got you down like it’s got me down, consider using interlibrary loan for your Parker (or any other!) needs. There’s a good chance you can even borrow Butcher’s Moon.
Also speaking of libraries, I discovered a great used bookstore today. I’m on the same topic, because this used bookstore sells library discards and donated books to benefit the Austin Public Library. Hardcovers are $2, paperbacks are $1. I scored nearly mint hardcovers of What’s So Funny? and The Ax, as well as library discards of Bad News and Money for Nothing that are in almost as good a shape, except for the usual stickers and markings. Eight bucks for the batch. I could have spent a lot more, but I’m unemployed so I figured I’d better flee before my book lust got the better of my limited finances.
The store is called Recycled Reads, and it’s at 5335 Burnet Road in Austin. How did I miss this place? It’s two blocks from the bar I go to nearly every football Sunday to watch my beloved Green Bay Packers, and I drive past it all the time on other errands. Anyway, if you’re in the Austin area or visiting, check it out. It would have been a great discovery at any time, but it was especially nice coming on the heels of my recent post lamenting the death of the used bookstore.
Thus ends the grab-bag library post. (Sorry–I couldn’t come up with a concluding paragraph that tied all of the above together.)
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Actually my local library has a copy of Butcher’s Moon. Strange, that the only pre-Comeback Parker they have is the one most people have trouble finding.
Now we know where the interlibrary loan will come from!