- Louis XIV at Existential Ennui reviews The Black Ice Score:
http://bit.ly/cMFKzD # - Congrats to Ryan Garms for 3rd place in the Parker flash fiction contest. 2nd and 1st TBA the next two Tuesdays. http://bit.ly/dmkK65 #
- Actor James Franco enjoys The Hunter: http://pressblog.uchicago.edu/2010/07/28/james_franco_has_good_taste.html #
- Forgot to post this–Darwyn Cookes' The Hunter and VWOP discussed at Legion of Dudes podcast May 6. Sorry about that!
http://bit.ly/cgoRrR # - It's Westlake week at Existential Ennui. Today, he shows off his inscribed first edition of The Blackbird:
http://bit.ly/cutDtT # - Sime reviews Breakout:
http://writtenbysime.blogspot.com/2010/08/richard-stark-breakout-parker-novel.html # - I always find it interesting learning about people's first Richard Stark experience:
http://bhymns.blogspot.com/2010/08/review-hunter.html #
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Thanks for posting the Semcoop link. They don’t have an Feed that I can find.
Cool story as well.
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Gracias as ever for the links, sir. Lots of other Westlake/Stark posts on my blog over the last few days, besides the couple you mention. Cheers,