I have expanded and almost completely rewritten the page on The Mourner. To celebrate, here’s this Finnish cover of The Mourner from 1984. According to Google Translate, the title means “Avenger,” the blurb is “Underworld lone wolf is back!,” and the banner is likely something to do with violence. As always, translation help is appreciated.
Tune in later this weekend for a special feature on The Mourner.
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Personally, I thought this one of the weaker Parker books. I liked the character Menlo but the plot wasn’t that strong in my opinion.
I might should (and probably will) add to the review that I think it lags in the middle. But I thought it opened and ended well, so I like it anyway.
I don’t know if I’d call it one of the weaker books, but I doubt it makes anyone’s top five. Right now I’d stick it somewhere in the muddled middle, although that opinion may change as I continue to revisit the books.