The forewords for this batch are by Charles Ardai, editor of Hard Case Crime and an accomplished crime fiction writer in his own right.
U of C reprints: SlaygroundThe forewords for this batch are by Charles Ardai, editor of Hard Case Crime and an accomplished crime fiction writer in his own right. |
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so when are these coming out?
Official release date is September 1, which means they’ll probably be out mid- to late August.
Well, this particular book is coming out Sept 1. The reprints of his other books have been out for quite some time.
Finally. I’ve been waiting for a decent copy of Slayground for so long. I never unterstood, why there aren’t any reprints of this book since the late 80s. It is still one the very best Parker novels.
Three little words:”About F#*%ING Time!!!!” I will never understand why Time-Warner books didn’t reprint all of the Parker series and just not the first 6. Oh,well good things come to
those who wait.
My favorite Parker book. It would make a fantastic film.
I wouldnt call this my fav but its easily top 3 so far. Usually i like the build up,the heist planning in Parkers before things go wrong. This was a very different,didnt like the change early in the book. But then it was great how human,weary Parker was when he was being chased around,how smart he was with his traps,his plans. His usual rutlesness was great.
How do you guys rate this book other than Scott ?