- The Wheelman (great book!) author Duane Swierczynski has penned an essay on The Hunter for Thrillers: 100 Must Reads. http://bit.ly/ddRaU4 #
- Loren Eaton at I Saw Lightning Fall on Max Allan Collins' Parker pastiche Two For the Money http://bit.ly/dsyWf9 #
- Ed Gorman on Murder Among Children, the second Mitch Tobin novel by Westlake writing as Tucker Coe http://bit.ly/bDbcFG #
- Jim Thompson on film
http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/06/movies/06killer.html # - Recommended Westlake beach reads
http://crgardenjoe.wordpress.com/2010/06/03/if-you-need-some-beach-reading-check-out-westlake/ #
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This site is such a great resource. I notice that another three University of Chicago Press Parkers are available for pre-order for September 1. Hope they will be re-printing Butchers Moon as well.