Reader (and crime novelist) Wallace Stroby alerts us to this problem with the University of Chicago’s reprint of The Man With the Getaway Face.
Has anyone else noticed that the University of Chicago edition of MAN WITH THE GETAWAY FACE – in addition to having a lot of typos – deletes the original last line of the novel, and substitutes a new, non-contextual one?
The original version – or at least the 1984 Avon edition – ends as follows:
“Parker had to unwind for awhile, for a few weeks anyway. It would be good to be Charles Willis again for a time.”
The U of C edition ends like this:
“Parker had to unwind for awhile, for a few weeks anyway. Then we’ll see.”
Strange enough that it’s in first person plural, while the rest of the book is in third, but it feels like it was tossed off by someone who was trying to guess what the last line might be. I’d just started working my way through the UC versions recently, and this brought me up sharp. It also made me wonder what else had been changed/omitted in the rest of the books.
Has this come up before? My copy is newly bought, so it seems unlikely this was an early mistake that was caught and fixed for later editions. Curious what U of C’s explanation might be though.
I contacted U of C about this, and they suspect that the error originated in the Mysterious Press edition which is what theirs is based on. I seem to have misplaced my copy of that, so I can’t confirm (please let me know if you can). I have been assured that the error will be corrected in subsequent printings, which (happily), are occurring pretty regularly.
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i’ve had some issues with a bunch of editing errors in the U of C editions, as well as the editing of the Sam Holt novels and Memory. take a look at my entry titled “bad editing” at (not trying to pump my own site too much, but i didn’t want to post my whole entry as a comment on your blog. :-)
Don’t be shy about linking to your own stuff if it’s on topic! It’s a good post that our fellow readers will likely be interested in.
Yep, that’s what’s written in the Mysterious Press edition.
Was kinda confused about the change to first-person myself when I finished reading it.
Will they correct their error for the books UC ?
I read the original books 7 first books as the original paperbacks from 60,70s. Book 8,9,10 of UC didnt have too bad editing the worst i have seen inside the book is Parner instead of Parker.
Thats nothing. Im wondering because i want to buy the first 7 books as the new paperbacks by UC.
The error will be corrected in future printings. I have no idea when the next edition will come out, but I’ll contact them and see if I can find out.
The U of C version of “The Man with the Getaway Face” is identical to the one put out by Mysterious Press (if you open the same page in both editions and compare, you’ll see – typesetting, layout, font, everything is exactly the same.). They must have just used the MP galleys. In fact, it looks like the first six U of C Parker books follow this pattern. For whatever reason, they’ve broken from this with “The Seventh.” You’ll notice the books get thinner and the pages denser in the subsequent novels.
As for “The Man with the Getaway Face,” I have the original 1963 paperback, and the last line is the same as the 1984 Avon edition quoted above.
I imagine the reason they broke with that pattern in The Seventh is that MP stopped at The Jugger. There is no MP version of The Seventh, or any subsequent Parker novel until Comeback.
I read Sour Lemon Score last week and it was riddled with spelling errors. I was almost angry with that version because it took me out of the story many times because of bad spelling. I dont know anymore if waiting a year for that kind amount of errors. Great looking on the outside but on the inside not worth the price for thin paperbacks….
I shouldnt have given away my original old paperbacks i got a few years ago. They were expensive but they were near perfect with lack of errors. Im seriously disappointed because having new versions is more fun than gettings 70s paperbacks.
Libaax,Mohammed Osman comments is by the same user. Just a nick and a real name.