Wonder Publishing Group has just released Donald Westlake’s 1961 sleaze novel, Campus Doll, as an eBook. It is available for Kindle from Amazon and some other formats from Barnes & Nobles’ Fictionwise. As a bonus, it’s cheap, listed at $5.99.
While it’s always great news when rare Westlake becomes available, I can’t help but be a little disappointed in the announcement. I wish there was a print-on-demand option for those of us not yet enamored with reading full-length novels on a computer screen or who can’t afford a Kindle or an iPad. But with something like Campus Doll, we’re lucky to have it at all and I feel a bit churlish for complaining.
For we who are behind the times, Subterranean Press has announced an October publication date for an omnibus of three early sleazy collaborations between Lawrence Block and Donald Westlake (writing as Sheldon Lord and Alan Marshall, respectively). Titled Hellcats and Honeygirls, it will contain A Girl Called Honey, So Willing, and Sin Hellcat (AKA A Piece of the Action) as well as a new introduction by Block. It retails for $30, and can be pre-ordered here.
I don’t believe cover art for Hellcats and Honeygirls is online yet, but it will be by Glen Orbik, who has done some memorable work for Hard Case Crime.
Vintage cover art below the fold.
Note: I couldn’t find the original cover art for Sin Hellcat online. I assume it was also credited to Sheldon Lord and Alan Marshall, but I don’t know for sure. This is a reprint from 1973 or 1974. Some details are available here and here.
Update: Sin Hellcat was credited to Andrew Shaw. Here’s the cover.
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RE: pulp ebooks
Here’s an Amazon link to a newly listed Charles Willeford collection that includes The High Priest of California
Wild Wives, The Woman Chaser, and The Whip Hand.
Super-cheap @ $1.99