I’ve just added coverage of Joe Gores’ Dead Skip to the Not Quite Parker – Print page. Here’s what I wrote.
“I’ve never met a real detective before,” she said, “but I love Agatha Christie…”
Ballard, who only read Richard Stark, said he was looking for a Mr. Charles M. Griffin.
Dead Skip is the first novel (following several short stories) in Joe Gores’ DKA series.
DKA stands for Dan Kearny & Associates. DKA is a car repo company that tends to get involved in mysteries as a consequence of its business. Founder Dan Kearny comes across as a complete jerk, but deep inside, he loves his team. And he’s always happy to jump into a case when the knowledge of a wise elder is needed to guide his young guns through solving the crime.
Dead Skip is of interest to Parker readers because it shares a scene with Plunder Squad. In that scene, a man knocks on the door of the Beaghler household while the heist is being planned. Parker sees him through the window, thinks he looks familiar, and answers the door.
The man at the door is Dan Kearny, investigating the attempted murder of one of his agents.
While the link to Plunder Squad may be the hook for Parker readers, Dead Skip is a worthy novel on its own. The characters are vividly drawn, particularly Dan Kearny, and the mystery features twists galore on its way to a satisfying conclusion. Recommended.
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in the 90’s, Gores published one of the best DKA “32 cadillacs” which shares a chapter with Westlake’s “Drowned Hopes”. so DKO operators met both Parker and Dortmunder!
One of the DKA stories is one of those is real or is it a dream stories. In it Dan Kearny falls a sleep on Christmas Eve and has a dream where he meats the Continental Op and participates in the events of Hammette’s “The Scorch Face.” (30 or so years before the DKA stories) Kearney eventually wakes up and figures it was a dream, but then finds a card for the Continental Detective agency in his pocket.
So somehow through space/time Kearney is links to the Continental Op.
The Continental Op is also part of a fan created shared universe called the Wold Newton Universe
Years ago science fiction writer Philip Jose Farmer wrote a biography on Tarzan as if he was a real person. Farmer speculated that Tarzan was a part of a family that included many other fictional characters including Sherlock Holmes, Doc Savage, Travis McGee and James Bond. Farmer’s fans noted that there are many cross-overs between fictional characters included in the Family suggesting all these characters shared the same universe.