Have “cute” and “Parker” ever been in the same sentence before? Well, they’re in the same sentence now: This fan-made ad for Darwyn Cooke’s Parker books is cute.
I recognize Wolverine and Jonah Hex, but who is the fella with the bandages?
Cute fan ad for Darwyn Cooke’s Parker booksHave “cute” and “Parker” ever been in the same sentence before? Well, they’re in the same sentence now: This fan-made ad for Darwyn Cooke’s Parker books is cute. I recognize Wolverine and Jonah Hex, but who is the fella with the bandages? |
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The guy with the bandages is Marv from Sin City. It’s an interesting ad since Parker argubly more brutal than any of the three. Hex, Wolverine, and even Marv have some code of justice, but not Marv.
Actually, that should say not Parker.
Who’s Darwyn Cooke?
SO wonderful!Fantastic work, as ever.The only thing that I didn’t like about the book was that now that I’ve read it, I don’t have it to look forawrd to anymore.This should be an annual thing you guys do. And by “annual”, I mean, monthly, because the comic world needs something this good as often as possible.
Pally, If you gotta ask who Mr. Cooke is, You’ve got better things to do than knock over Syndicate establishments.