The great thing about having a major new search engine to work with (Bing) is that I’m coming up with a whole bunch of new results on my image searches. I just found this page, for example, which linked to the image above and the image below.
The first image is The Hunter and the second is The Man with the Getaway Face. That’s about all I know–I don’t even know what language these are printed in. Can anyone help?
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My Dutch is a little rusty, but here goes:
“The Hunter” is translated as “The Avenger,” and the text reads:
Parker is back! The man who was once prey but who survived bullets and betrayal… The prey is now both hunter and avenger. Avenger of his partner who cheated with his wife and of the crime syndicate that ran off with his money.
“The Man with the Getaway Face” is translated as “The $20,000 Face.”
Thanks a ton! Your translations are a great addition to the site.
I hope to add these to their respective cover galleries soon.