Cover art for the new University of Chicago Press reprint of The Handle.
By the way, dear readers, I am told by a U of C representative that their Parker reprints are selling very well, and that they will be reprinting all of the books they have acquired the rights to. So, fear not–you will be able to purchase Plunder Squad and Butcher’s Moon at a reasonable price before too long.
But don’t let that make you complacent! Buy them when they are released and support this great endeavor.
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This cover will delight those of us who know the book. It’s a nice little piece of storytelling.
I have all the Parkers except Butcher’s Moon, but I may pick up some of these reprints anyhow because they’re handsome editions and because UC got an all-star cast to write the new forewords.
Detectives Beyond Borders
“Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home”