Got my copy today. I found it on the porch as I was leaving the house in a hurry, so I haven’t even opened the shipping envelope yet. I hope to read it and have a review posted before the weekend is over.
Thanks to IDW Publishing for hookin’ a blogger up.
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I’m curious about how much of the violent detail shows up in the graphic novel version. One of the things I enjoyed about the original is that it left a lot to the reader’s imagination. The gritty stuff is always more effective in your head.
Plenty of violence – Wow, what a book. The mood is right, the feeling is right too.
Although I didn’t figure Parker looking so handsome… still very enjoyable. I shall get out the whoel series and start reading again…
The violence is there, but I wouldn’t call it “graphic.” It certainly could have been a lot more gory than it is.