This review (from Comixology) of Darwyn Cooke’s The Hunter, is well worth your time. The whole thing is good, but the most interesting parts for me are where the critic quotes directly from Stark’s book and then shows the equivalent panels from Darwyn Cooke’s adaptation so you can compare and contrast.
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Nice find! Still waiting for my local comic book store to get this into stock.
From reader Will Kane, my go-to guy on comics stuff:
Make sure you ask for this when your local store gets its copies. It may not get them or the employees may keep them for themselves, but it’s worth a shot.
i pre ordered it months ago from amazon and i just got an email i won’t be getting it until the middle of august of september
I like the review;s reflection on the reader’s seeing Parker but not really seeing him. That sounds likea fine visual correlative to the book. Those three words Parker speaks in the opening scene are the essence of Parker. The rest is embellishment.
Detectives Beyond Borders
“Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home”
There was a delay in the book’s release outside of the West Coast of the U.S., but it should be available in all territories now.
Each store should have received one ‘art of’ booklet for every five copies of ‘The Hunter’ ordered and one signed booklet for every twenty-five copies of ‘The Hunter’ ordered.
However, the store I work at was shorted and actually received zero signed booklets despite ordering 250 copies of Darwyn’s book.
It’s not impossible that the remaining copies may turn up this week, it’s also not impossible that all the signed copies may turn up on ebay.
On the plus side, I have racked The University of Chicago Press re-releases next to the graphic novel and they’re selling well.
Will Kane- Awesome. I was hoping some retailers would stock some of the novels next to Cooke’s adaptation. This book might very well give the University of Chicago Press Parker books a healthy sales spike.
I read this the night it came out and it really is amazing. Cooke nails Parker’s character and translates the tense moments well on the comic pages. His art looks like an even mixture of Kurtzman, Toth, and Krigstein. The design of the book reflects alot of thought and planning. Westlake would be proud.
i just got an email from amazon and my copy shipped, i’m pretty excited. i already warned my girlfriend.
Read the Cooke adaptation today in one setting … simply put, it is as wonderful as everyone says and worth every penny. Excellent production values, smart storytelling, and a great sense of pace and balance in regards to captions and dialogue make this a must have for any Stark/Westlake fan … and if they’re not, give them a copy for an instant convert to the brotherhood!