There’s a special treat awaiting those of you lucky enough to attend the San Diego Comic Con International (SDCCI) this week. Via The Joe Shuster Awards:
Eisner-award winning writer and artist Darwyn Cooke brings to life one of the true classics of crime fiction with this adaptation of Richard Stark’s (a.k.a. Donald Westlake) Parker. For Comic Con attendees, IDW is offering 500 signed and numbered copies of The Hunter, complete with an exclusive dust jacket and bound-in signature plate. Visit the IDW booth #1705 to get your copy signed by Cooke in person!
Man, I wish I could get my hands on one of those!
The Joe Shuster Awards also has a schedule of Cooke’s signings at SDCCI. All the details are here.
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I got mine at the SDCC (124/500)It IS TOTALLY the most honest Parker adaptation ever printed!!!! Bar None!!! If you haven’t picked this up yet…GET IT!! (oh,by the way the next book which is a combo of “The Man with the Getaway Face” &
“The Outfit” will be out about May of 2010.I got that from Darwyn Cooke himself at Comic-Con)