Reader Jolie left this in the comments. I wanted to make sure everyone saw it.
I just received my copy of Richard Stark’s “The Jugger” through, and to my great surprise, found that the first 40 pages or so (including the title page and copyright page) are from “The Score”. The rest of the book, after page 38 of “The Score”, is pages 37 – 211 of “The Jugger”.
I’ve sent an e-mail to the University of Chicago Press to ask about the problem, but my contact there is out this week so I don’t know when I will hear back. I will post any updates when I get them.
Anyone else have this problem?
Update: A fellow over at Rara Avis wrote that his copy was fine, so it doesn’t look like the whole batch is rotten. It’s probably fine to purchase, but you might want to make sure that returns are easy wherever you buy it from just in case.
Update 2: See here for more details and for information on how to get your copy replaced if yours is defective.
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Look forward to hearing the feedback from U of C. I had these (3) new reprints on order through Amazon Japan (Where I am based), but I’ve cancelled them for the time being. Have to see what kind of response you get.
I pre-ordered all three from Amazon, and my copy is fine.
I’ve received an email back from U of C: their customer service is excellent.
Apparently, “the faulty copies are rare”, and they’ve offered me a replacement.
(Thanks for moving my post over, Trent.)
My copy is fine. Glad to hear they are few and far between.