I’ve noticed over the years that the movie adaptation of The Outfit has quite a few admirers, perhaps enough to qualify as a cult following. I enjoyed the movie, but there seem to be a number of folks out there who are downright enthusiastic.
I haven’t seen The Outfit in over a decade. I recently acquired a bootleg DVD, and reading several people raving about it over the past month or so has me looking forward to watching it again. Maybe a second viewing will enhance my appreciation, or maybe I’ll just continue to think it was a pretty good movie. No matter which, it will be an enjoyable way to spend an evening.
I’m also hoping that adding one more voice to the chorus will prompt The Powers That Be to recognize that there is an audience for a DVD release.
Filmicability focuses on the great cast.
Hollywood Elsewhere points to the contemporary, and very positive, Roger Ebert review.
John Nolte at Big Hollywood wonders why the hell we can’t get this on DVD. (He also rightfully complains about the lack of availability of another Westlake-related film, The Stepfather, although we’ll likely see that one when the almost-certainly-crappy remake comes out.)
And this post makes four. Get on it, MGM (or whoever owns the rights these days)! Or maybe Anchor Bay or another niche company would like to step up?
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I have yet to see this. But it’s on my list. My guess is that, for the Parker reader, the movie will pale in comparison to the book. Punches will be pulled, the Parker character (Earl?) will have a girlfriend or a daughter and be sappy. But I’d still love to check it out.
This has become my favourite of the Parker adaptions, Duvall is the dogs gonads in this. We really need a DVD release of The Outfit. But until then, i’m happy to watch my copy on DVDR.
And walkerp, The Outfit ain’t sappy, and Parker (Macklin) doesn’t have a daughter. So see this, see this now.
As I said, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen it, but I recall Robert Duvall kicking mucho ass. I think you’ll enjoy it if you can accept that you’re not really getting Parker (tough for me, too).
One thing I didn’t note in this blog post is that none of the people raving about the film seem to be Parker readers. Not having that point of comparison undoubtedly helps them appreciate it for what it is.
Jaici / See the whole point has been missed here. It is not about the rape, it is about the rsoepnse rec’d by those who have been raped. The legal system as well as personal perception of people who have a deep seated belief system that suggests that she musta been asking for it WITH QUESTIONS SUCH AS What were you wearing? Duh
Chris, good enough for me! We’ve still got our VCR and I wouldn’t be surprised if the arty video place has The Outfit on VHS.
For the record, the backwoods car buying scene is on You Tube;
…and the opening scene, I’d imagine, with some goofy text edited over it;
Yeah, I kinda want to see all of this, despite the changes. Westlake had stated that Robert Duvall was his favorite Parker.
late to the game, let me add a fifth notable fan — the only time i’ve seen The Outfit was at a screening at the first (or maybe second) Tarantino-fest in Austin around ’97 or ’98, when QT introduced and showed his personal copy of the film during his ‘Crime Night,’ on a double-bill with The Nickel Ride (starring Jason Miller), which was also very good and underseen…
It’s finally coming to DVD! (DVD-R, to be honest, but who’s complaining?)