The United Provinces of Ivanlandia has a review of Donald Westlake’s Humans. I haven’t read this book yet.
It seems that God is fed up with humanity and He’s going to do something about it. Remember Agent Smith’s wonderfully creepy speech in The Matrix, where Smith compares humanity to a virus? Well, that’s how God feels. But He just can’t snap His fingers and make us disappear.
The magnificent paradox of God’s omnipotence and Man’s Free Will gets in the way.
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Sorry it took me so long to find you, but thanks for the link!
–Ivan (of Ivanlandia)
This is a fantastic book, full of Westlake’s trademark counter-intuitive-isms, affectionate acceptance of human nature and penetrating philosophical inquiry. Like Kawaha, I had to read it twice to just figure out the story!! Talk about twists and turns. The third read left me in a state of joyous wonder at the scope of The Master’s achievement. I’ll be reading it again at some point not too far in the future. I’m sure I will get something fresh and fun out of it. Rereading Westlake is one of life’s deep pleasures.