I’ve added some new images to the image gallery for The Hunter, including the nifty German cover above that has absolutely nothing to do with the book. I’ve also upgraded images for a couple of covers that were already posted.
By the way, if you happen to speak German, I would love some help with translating the German titles into English.
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This one translates most closely to ‘Now We Are Quits’.
Thanks! Updated.
I think that’s the same painting that was on “The Wrecking Crew” by Donald Hamilton on an old Gold Medal Matt Helm.
By January 19, 2013 – 11:51 amBetween me and my husband we’ve owned more MP3 plreays over and beyond the years than I can upon, including Sansas, iRivers, iPods (legendary & touch), the Ibiza Rhapsody, etc. But, the ideal rarely years I’ve settled down to united crow’s-foot of plreays. Why? Because I was cock-a-hoop to ascertain how well-designed and enjoyment to profit by the underappreciated (and thoroughly mocked) Zunes are.