Just added to the obituaries page, from the L.A. Times: “Hollywood Rarely Did Donald Westlake Justice.” This contains the news that Made in U.S.A. (based on The Jugger) will have its American debut next week. Will video follow?
Next week, the first-ever film adaptation of Westlake’s work, “Made in USA,” opens at the Nuart Theatre in West Los Angeles, more than four decades after it was made.
The movie is terrible, but some of you may be curious enough to check it out.
Now, how about Mise à Sac (“Pillaged”)?
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Good to see that the L.A. Times wrote that Hollywood rarely served Westlake well. That’s a clue that someone there knows both Westlake and Hollywood, which is more than one can say for the shoddy effort the New York Times called an obituary.
Here are some of the tributed I’ve posted: (I think Sarah Weinman links so some of them): http://detectivesbeyondborders.blogspot.com/search/label/Donald%20Westlake%20R.I.P.
Detectives Beyond Borders
“Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home”
OK, let’s try that link one more time. If that doesn’t work, hop pn over to the blog and take a look. Thanks.
Do you like Godard’s films? I know his style is not to everyone’s taste, maybe that influences your judgment on Made in the USA. I hope it gets a DVD release, since I love the Parker novels, Godard and Anna Karina and want to see the combination.
Thanks for the site, it has been an excellent resource as I started reading my way through the Parker series over the past year. I just finished The Seventh and am now looking for The Handle. It is sad that Westlake died just as you took this site to blog format.
Despite a couple of film classes, I’m embarrassed to say that Alphaville is (I think) the only other Godard film I’ve seen. I wasn’t impressed with that one either, but it’s better than Made in U.S.A.
I haven’t even seen Breathless! Need to get on that…
I disagree. I think that the pesoeasrn should definitely be lengthened. It is the most exciting time of the year seeing all the prospects. It is even better than the World Juniors and the Memorial Cup all rolled up into one.
Oh, wait. I did see Sympathy for the Devil. I liked that one.
Communist ideologies aside, Godard films are always a treat and even more of an event when shown on the big screen. Is there word on a release date for this movie in the Midwest? I love Godard, particularly Masculin Feminin and Bande A Parte. Frnech New Wave films always seem so fresh to me.
Doesn’t look like it’s coming to the Midwest, not even Chicago. Shockingly, it doesn’t even seem to be coming to Austin. Schedule here.